Quantum Quartz
Quartz is one of the hardest and durable materials that exist on Earth. The Quantum Quartz Stone is its engineered version, that is a mixture of the natural stone(93-percent), pigments and resin binders, making it even more reliable.
The stone is very suitable for bathrooms and kitchens, where you can set up Quantum Quartz benchtops. It is also suitable for splashback, bathroom vanities and even flooring where you can transform your home into a modern house that would fit in any design magazine.
Stain Resistant
Quantum Quartz is a stain resistant material, making it perfect for all dirty areas of your home. The stone does not absorb any moisture, oils or acid and will never need sealing or waxing. You can easily clean spills with water and some soft detergents.
If you have some harder stain that was left for some time we suggest using a quartz-based crème cleaner. That kind of cleaning products should take care of harder wine of coffee stains. In addition, Quantum Quartz is more hygienic as it doesn’t have any fissures where bacteria, viruses and germs may grow.
Scratch and Heat Resistant
Another big advantage of Quantum Quartz is that it is a scratch resistant surface. Do you remember the last time when you dropped something heavy on your benchtop and it got damaged? This material can withstand all kinds of accidental damage with ease so you will never have to worry about harming your benchtop surface again.
Quantum Quartz is also heat resistant and will not burn easily like wooden materials or laminate. You can throw away your trivets as with this engineered stone you wouldn’t need them ever again.
What is Our Offer
Emperor Stone is the leading retailer of Quantum Quartz in Adelaide. We provide various sizes and thickness options that can be customized per request. Our Quantum colour range is very wide and would satisfy every style. One of the most preferred choices is the Quantum Quartz Luna White – check it out!
Some of the other Quartz stone colours we provide are Alpine Matte, Alpine White, Calacutta Primo Quartz, New Diamond White, Grande Statuario Quartz, Venatino Statuario Quarz and many others.
If you decided to make a Quartz stone kitchen, contact us via phone or send us an email and we will give you more details. Ask us about the warranty we provide! Another contact option is to just list your requirements and leave us an online message on the Emperor Stone website for a free query.
We are always interested in your household ideas so let us hear them!